Live Like You are On Vacation

My wife and I recently returned from a wonderful vacation on the island of Curacao. It is a lovely island 36 miles north of Venezuela. Nice beaches, wonderful people, yummy food and a rich history. We would highly recommend a visit.

I love vacations, I always have. A chance to relax, explore, and do things that we enjoy. A favorite vacation pass time is to sit under a palm tree and read. On the (long) plane trip home a thought occurred to me. Why don’t we live everyday as if we are on vacation.

Oh I know, life has a way of getting in the way. Most of us don’t live on a beach, we have chores, everyday kinda problems, and some of you may not have reached the glory of retirement. But still…I think we can do this.

For decades researchers have been telling us about the benefits of vacations. Evidence can be found that vacations lower blood pressure, lift our mood, improve our immune system, reduces stress, increases metabolic health and can even lower the risk of cardiovascular concerns. Vacations make us healthier. Although the message had me back at palm trees.

I would like to propose we adapt some of the elements we love about vacation into our daily lives. It will be fun.

  1. Unplug. Vacations start with getting away from the constant messaging. This is a good place to start.

  2. Discover and explore. It is amazing to find the hidden gems right in our own backyard.

  3. Do different. Try that new restaurant. Go to the museum that you last went to as a kid. Do different and expand your world.

  4. Plan and prioritize. We need to squeeze life into our vacation living. This may take a bit of planning, which will be fine.

  5. Walk. Walking is our favorite mode of transportation while on vacation. This one should be a no brainer for so many reasons.

  6. Memorable meals. If you are anything like me, a good meal is part of the vacation.Bring this feeling home and try a new recipe. Make it together, make it memorable.

  7. Create an oasis. Use the coasters you thought would be a good souvenir. As I mentioned we enjoy reading under a palm tree. So after one of our trips we bought one (see picture).

  8. Live with a vacation mindset. Focus on what brings you joy. Reframe challenges. Practice gratitude and savor the best elements of life.

  9. Celebrate life. Take time to celebrate the small wins in your day. This can be a great way to live.

Living life like we are on vacation is all about embracing a relaxed, joyful mindset and finding the beauty in the day. It’s about making conscious choices that prioritize happiness, connections and well-being.

Enjoy your day, and your life.


Just a little extra-

Life is not a destination , it’s about enjoying the journey every single day.


Zucker, Rebecca. July 19, 2023. How Taking a Vacation Improves Your Well-Being.
Harvard Business Review.

Liang, Belle. June 23, 2022. The Science of How to Enjoy Your Vacation. Psychology Today

Life on Vacation


Let’s Go For A Walk


Life Was Better Back Then