I thought I was gonna die

I thought I was gonna die. No, like literally. I thought my life on earth was coming to an end.

For a few days I was having minor chest pain.That should have been my first clue. There is no such thing as “minor” chest pain. It is just chest pain, and it needs to be dealt with.

So on Saturday I thought, if this continues I will call a doctor on Monday. Dude (I am talking to myself), chest pain does not wait until Monday. It kinda does not care what day of the week it is.

I did do some research because that is what I do when something important presents itself. Yeh, Google “chest pain.” That leads to some fun reading.

Then it happened. At 9:02 pm on Saturday night as I was standing in my closet, the pain in my chest exploded to a level 9 (I am not sure what a 10 should be, so I never rate anything as a 10.) Pain, shortness of breath, and I felt like I was about to pass out. Didn’t I just read about this earlier in the day? Oh yes, I think they call it a HEART ATTACK!

This could not be happening to me was my first illogical response. I am healthy. I eat well, sleep well, exercise, and do everything else that would suggest I am not a candidate for a heart attack. Really, this was my first response? To argue with the situation. I am such a typical guy.

I sat down thinking this would bring some relief. It didn’t. Then I prayed. It’s funny how quickly you can catch up on prayer when you think you are about to meet your maker in a matter of minutes.

Nothing helped so I called 911. Good part of the story. Can there be a “good” part? The 911 guy was great on the phone. He calmly collected the pertinent information and made the dispatch without telling me. He just kept walking me through the process. He clearly had done this before. Good comfort for a first timer like me.

My first time in the back of an EMS vehicle would have been fun had it not been for the pounding pain in my chest and the thoughts that I may not be going back home, or seeing my family again. There’s that.

I don’t spend much time in the hospital, this was my first time as a patient in 50 years, so this experience was eye opening. Once it was determined that I was not going to die immediately, things come to a screeching halt in the ER. Yes, this was good news - the I am not gonna die part.

Nothing seems to move very quickly in the ER, or so it seemed from my POV. And I noticed most of the patients were old(er) people, like me. So this is where old(er) people hang out on Saturday night. Bring on the Bingo.

Well, it has been 20 hours since “the incident”. Test results so far indicate I will live to see another day. Maybe even many. It appears my heart is fine. Although we (me and the medical staff) are still searching for the cause of the chest pain. I have done my research, so I think I know. I will give the doctors time to “catch up”.

But why didn’t I freak out at the very real thought that I was gonna die. It seems weird to me, but I do have a few thoughts of explanation:

  • My spiritual beliefs. Yes, I believe when I leave this world I will go to heaven. It was Saturday, which means I would have been having pork chops with my mom and dad…in heaven.

  • There was nothing I could do at that point. Kinda like I always felt the day of a test or big presentation. No reason to get anxious now. Let’s just do this!

  • I did my best. I lived a good life, not perfect, but I did the best I could.

  • I have love in my heart. I love my family. In the final minutes of my life on earth, that will be all that matters at the time. That and you know, navigating heaven.

To be continued…

Two days later -

Yes, I was writing in “real time” from the hospital. Now I am home and feeling good, thank you for wondering.

As it turns out my heart is fine. Maybe more than fine for someone my age, as all of the tests revealed. Thank God. All the healthy living has paid off. Oh, and thank God for letting me live to see another day(s).

So what the heck? What caused the “fake” heart attack? Well, the doctors agreed with my self diagnosis, of which I am not 100% comfortable. Mr. Obvious here - I am not a doctor. Apparently, I had some inflammation in the pleura (two large, thin layers of tissue around the lungs) caused by the upper respiratory virus from which I suffered the two weeks prior. I am fine now, and just to confirm that, I worked out 2 days after leaving the hospital and shoveled snow 2 days later. Don’t judge me.

I would not consider this a life altering experience, although it did open my eyes a little wider, and I learned a few things in the process. I encourage you to check out “Just a little extra” below. Maybe the most important part of this story.

Enjoy your day,


Just a little extra-

Yes the thought of dying, and spending 48 hours in the hospital, did open my eyes a bit. I do like learning new things, maybe just not in this fashion. Here are my thoughts:

  • I don’t like being in the hospital. It’s just not the food. Not a pleasant experience. The win in this is that the experience provides more motivation to try to remain healthy to avoid a return visit.

  • Our health is very complex. Diagnosis can be difficult, and treatment may have different effects on people.

  • Doctors don’t always have the answers.(see above) They are still better than Google.

  • We do need to be the CEO of our own health. That does not mean we have all of the answers. We should rely on experts, be ready with the right questions, and advocate for solutions.

  • Health solutions are usually better without pills. But if necessary, take the pill.

  • Solutions should almost always include some sort of lifestyle change or adjustment.

  • Life is fragile.

  • Do it now (see above).

  • Don’t take any risk with chest pain. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in the USA.

  • I am grateful to be alive.

See you again soon…thank God again!




A great lunch


Healthy Eating?