Best Year Ever!

Happy New Year!

May I suggest we skip the resolutions?
They were so…last year. Besides, statistically they won’t last beyond February 14 anyway.

This year let’s think bigger. Let’s make 2025 -
The Best Year Ever!

Who is with me? Or should I ask, who is not with me?
I mean, of course we would like to be looking into the year with this thought in mind, right? OK…now what? How do we do this?

Well, to look forward to our year, let’s start by looking back in history, like 2000 years back to the ancient Greeks and the Sorites Paradox. The basic premise is that we can make changes by moving just a grain of sand. A modern version can be found in the James Clear best selling book called Atomic Habits, where he says “tiny (atomic) habits” can have remarkable results. The compounding effect of moving the sand, or changing/adding a habit is the key.

The habits to focus on can be found in the categories of our daily lives. But for optimal effect the changes should reflect our values, what is important to us. How can we create a memorable year of health and happiness? How can we end up in a better place 12 months from now? Here are some thoughts:

  1. Prioritize your health. Wherever you are in your health journey, take it to the next level. Just starting out? The habit can be as simple as going for a walk five days a week.

  2. Cultivate a positive mindset by practicing gratitude. Gratitude can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

  3. Build and maintain strong relationships. Sunday night call with friends or family. Maybe both.

  4. Embrace growth. Learn something new, or develop a new skill. Pickleball anyone?

  5. Reframe. Embrace challenges, and view setbacks as opportunities for growth. I know , this one can be difficult.

  6. Practice acts of kindness. This can be as simple as a smile, saying hello or holding a door.

  7. Manage time more effectively. I see a “To Do List” in your future. Yes, organization of life can help to minimize stress and create time for what truly matters.

  8. Celebrate wins, both big and small. Every step forward deserves a celebration.

  9. Reflect and revisit. Life changes and so should our way(s) to deal with it. Not suggesting we give up on the positive actions, but flexibility can be a good thing (not like the one and done resolutions).

Making 2025 the best year ever is not about perfection, it is about progress. By focussing on what matters, cultivating positive habits, and embracing growth we can create a year filled with purpose, joy and fulfillment. Lets start today!

Enjoy your day, and your year.


Just a little extra-

Oh, and one more thing. Attitude. How we feel and think about change is critically important. Having a positive attitude can help our perseverance on the tough days.

Let’s talk about those tough days. I mean this next year is made up of 365 days strung together. A good approach is to take one day at a time. I am reminded of the story I tell in my book when my son flips his day with a positive attitude and exclaims “today is the first best day ever” (grammar aside, he was 6). Often a day will follow the path of our attitude, how we think about it.

So what do you think? Are you with me? Do you want to make 2025 the best year ever?

When we talk a year from now, I will be anxious to hear about this part of your journey.


Klein, Ariel. November 26, 2024. 13 Easy Ways to Make 2025 Year Best Year Yet. Real Simple

Solan, Matthew. September 1, 2022. Getting the Most From Your Remaining Years. Harvard Health Publishing


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